Episode 5

Cafe Stop - Two Days and Two Challenging Rides - Episode 5

Second Gran Fondo completed, but not without issues and struggles. Not only did I tackle the Highlands Gran Fondo, but I also did the Armed Forces Cycling Challenge the day before. Lots of riding and even more driving. This was not an easy weekend but I somehow survived ... just barely.

So I started to do a little audio journal podcast .... thing. I am using this as a way to track and document my 2024 goal of seeing how close I can get to qualifying for the 2024 Gran Fondo National Championships.

If you have any questions or want to share your stories, please comment below or send me an email at joshua@jqcyclist.com

Thanks and we will chat again at the next cafe stop.

About the Podcast

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JQC Cafe Stop

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About your host

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joshua Hoover

Hi there. I’m just another John Q Public on a bike….a Joshua Q Cyclist if you will - get it JQC, clever right? Well, maybe a little clever.

I’m not a pro, I’m not an expert, heck, I’m not a bike mechanic. So why am I sitting here talking to you about cycling? And the journey that I set myself on? I am one of - who knows how many out there - who love to ride their bike, go fast, and want to challenge themselves on the bike but aren’t racers. No team, fancy bus or team of trainers, mechanics, big budgets, etc, just someone who gets that thrill of freedom on the bike and want to challenge themself to something new.